-twenty year old man who sells hot dogs on saturday nights right next to my block (swedish phenomenon to set up a stand at night only -- traditional drunken food), loved his job, loved scuba diving (took a certificate when he was twelve), wants to move to norway, iceland, egypt or the caribean.
- freddy mendoza from lima, peru. social worker who had spent his night at the amusement park "gröna lund" dancing salsa all night.
- friend of freddy, who's name i forget, from cuba, taught me the name of "the florida keys" in spanish. also told me that i better memorize freddy's name as i later that night was going to "scream his name". he told me this after 30 seconds of conversation.
i don't know what it is with hot dog stands, but i concluded that i i'd ever feel lonely, i could just go find the nearest stand to make new friends.
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